Opinions & BlogsBeing Mixed-Race is WeirdPaul SinghFebruary 20, 2023February 21, 2023I can distinctly remember my introduction to the concept of race. It occurred when I was 5 - 6 years...
Opinions & BlogsA New Direction for Something DecentPaul SinghJanuary 6, 2023February 20, 2023As part of my new year's cleanup I have decided to attempt to tidy-up Something Decent. If you have been...
Development & CodingJavaScript Proxies, a Lesser Known Super Power, another article by ChatGPTPaul SinghDecember 7, 2022February 20, 2023The Prompt I run a blog called Something Decent. The blog aims to provide users with friendly articles based on...
Development & CodingJavascript Events, Who’s Listening? an Article by ChatGPTPaul SinghDecember 5, 2022February 20, 2023After seeing the release of the new chatGPT API by Open AI I decided to give it a whirl. I...
Development & CodingCRO Development, a Brief IntroductionPaul SinghMarch 12, 2022February 20, 2023If you are anything like I was at the point of accepting my first frontend development role within a CRO...
Development & CodingGet Started with Trellis, Bedrock and SagePaul SinghOctober 26, 2020February 20, 2023My introduction to the Roots ecosystem occurred when I was asked to migrate a Wordpress website which uses the Bedrock...