Development & Coding

CRO Development, a Brief Introduction

If you are anything like I was at the point of accepting my first frontend development role within a CRO team you are probably wondering what on earth CRO even is. So let me try and explain… For a start CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimisation. Yes, I can hear...
Picture of ecosystem logos on black background
Development & Coding

Get Started with Trellis, Bedrock and Sage

My introduction to the Roots ecosystem occurred when I was asked to migrate a Wordpress website which uses the Bedrock framework. During the process I encountered many stumbling blocks. This is due to my lack of knowledge of the framework and the way in which it works. After doing a...
Camping in the woods
Opinions & Blogs

London to Glasgow (or St. Albans) by Foot – How I Learnt the Importance of a Good Tent

On Monday, July 13th 2020, I attempted to embark on the ever so optimistic challenge of walking from my humble abode in North London to the sunny, tartan clad, shores of Glasgow. More info on the following: However, as you may have guessed from the title of this post,...
Opinions & Blogs

London to Glasgow by Foot (Hopefully)

Yes, you read that correctly. I plan to walk from London to Glasgow. Whether or not I will make it that far, only time will tell. The journey which starts at my home in north London and ends at whatever google maps dictates to be Glasgow is roughly 380 miles...
Development & Coding

Animate the Click Event With Pure CSS

When deciding how to animate an element on the click event the first port of call is usually to set up a JavaScript event listener. What if I told you there was a way of doing so with pure CSS? Yup, you read that correctly, you can animate your buttons...
Learn Javascript With a Layman
Development & Coding

Learn With a Layman: Beginning With The Basics

Before we start I'd like to point you towards the introductory post for Learn With a Layman. It will provide you with some background information about this series and some vital resources to aid learning. If you have already read it (you don't need to read it again) you may...
Learn Javascript With a Layman
Development & Coding

Learn With a Layman: An Introduction

So, you wish to learn JavaScript, right? Well, you're in the right place. I am starting this series in an attempt to give back to the online community, and help anyone who wishes to take their first steps toward learning JavaScript. You may be thinking "there's already loads of free...
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